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Michigan association for play therapy

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  • 06/12/2024 4:48 PM | Anonymous

    Hi play therapy friends,

    Welcome summertime and warm weather! I hope you all have some wonderful ways to practice self-care outside while it isn’t too hot. Starting this summer, I am challenging myself to intentionally incorporate play into my days, and I want to share with you all my reflections and ideas. Keep an eye out for my Presidential Ponderings to see the start!

    What has been on my mind recently is Inside Out! I am beyond excited for Inside Out 2 to come out on June 14! I have seen several Facebook posts about the figures coming available to purchase, so I might have to snag that up soon. I found that the first movie had been so helpful in my practice to explore feelings with clients. I am excited to see how I can incorporate this next movie, as well! THE PLAYGROUNDgr is hosting a premiere of this movie and we will be hosting a table at that premiere. If you are in the area, check it out!

    MIAPT  has two training opportunities in the next several months! On September 20th, we have a virtual Live Webinar with Mary Rottier, Ed.D, LPC, RPT-S™, CAAPT-S-I  on ADHD and Play Therapy. Also, on November 8th, we have the West Regional Workshop! Sophia Ansari, LPCC, RPT™ will present on the healing power of nature in play and expressive therapy. This workshop will be live and in-person at Bethany Christian Services, 901 Eastern Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

    I also am SO looking forward to our Annual APT International Conference on October 15th-20th, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia! I have just registered for my breakouts and I am looking forward to the opportunity to see some of you there and learn from some of the greats in our work. 



    Abby Rainey, LMSW-Clinical, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2024-2025

  • 04/09/2024 4:49 PM | Anonymous

    Hi play therapy friends,
    Hello April! I absolutely love this time of year. Springtime is one of my favorite times of the year. I love being out in nature, surrounded by budding greenery and flowers! Being outside and incorporating nature play into my sessions is so fun. I love nature play therapy- and so do my clients! What are some of your favorite play therapy activities outside? I am always looking for new activities. 
    I want to highlight that MIAPT has been intentional to include diversity, equity and inclusion into the work we do. As a board, we have included our DEI statement on our website that states “As a branch of APT, we uphold the APT Diversity Statement, which reads: ‘APT is committed to achieving and maintaining a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We are at our best when the principles of DEI are fully embedded in our governance, leadership, and organizational policies.  Our unwavering goal is to generate programs and processes resulting in meaningful and sustainable organizational change toward DEI.’” We know that this statement is not the end of our focus on this work. We will continually work towards advocating for intentional practices of justice and creating an association that fosters belonging and inclusion.
    As an association, we need to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion is at the forefront of our minds in everything we do- always, to represent the community we serve! 
    MIAPT’s next training opportunity is The Marriage of CBT and Play Therapy- Merging CBT and Play Therapy in the Therapy Space live webinar presented by Erica Tatum-Sheade and Ryan Sheade coming up on May 17th. Register now to go deeper into and learn more about CBT and Play Therapy!"



    Abby Rainey, LMSW-Clinical, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2024-2025

  • 02/07/2024 4:50 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings, Playmates! 
    I’m having some mixed emotions as I write this. You will soon be relieved of my gardening stories and dreams for MIAPT. This will be the last of my ponderings for now. I want to thank you for putting up with me as your president for the last two years. I’ve sometimes walked before you, sometimes stumbled, and sometimes crawled. I’ve done my best, made mistakes, and learned quite a bit. I’ve made several good friends and hopefully no enemies. I’ve laughed and I’ve cried. 
    I feel so fortunate to have stumbled upon a career that allows me to live my passion. I’ve always been drawn to children and I have a heart for those who are struggling. When I first heard of play therapy, I knew I had found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. One of the most difficult realities I face on a daily basis is the fact that I am not enough. Our entire membership is not enough. Like other play therapists, I regularly receive calls from parents seeking therapy for their child who is struggling and I have to tell them that I don’t have room in my schedule for them. They call back because they can’t find anyone who has openings. There just aren’t enough play therapists around to meet the need. 
    The need for other play therapists is what propelled me into leadership in MIAPT. I’m not a natural leader. I’m more naturally a worker bee. I’m an encourager and a support person. I would prefer to be in the background but the need has driven me to become a part of the board so that I can try to help meet the need. I used to sit in my seat at conferences thinking I didn’t have anything to offer. I was “just” a clinician. But I realized that if I didn’t step up, I wouldn’t be doing my part to help to raise up other play therapists in the state of Michigan. The need for play therapists would continue to go unmet. I couldn’t stop thinking I had to become part of something bigger than me in order to spread the passion for helping children and adults through play. 
    So, how are you going to help spread the news about play therapy so we can reach additional children and adults who need our help? The board can’t do it by itself and the same people can’t always be on the board. We all need to be a part of raising up other play therapists in the coming generations. The need is only going to increase. Yes, becoming more involved in MIAPT does take some time. But the commitment of time doesn’t have to be prohibitive. If each of us would do our part, serving on a committee or even joining the board would not require so much work that it is not possible to manage alongside your client load. We must stand up and work together to spread the word about the effectiveness of play therapy. Future clients need someone to be there for them.
    What are you going to do about it?
    Hugs to all (or whatever form of warm affection works for you!)



    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2023-2024

  • 12/06/2023 3:29 PM | Anonymous

    Hello, fellow playmates! 
    I can’t believe that we are looking the end of 2023 in the eye. December, already? Where does the time go? The worst part is that I just started remembering the year when I have to write a date…
    This is a season that brings stress to many of us. We’ve just finished the Thanksgiving family gatherings that seldom go as well as we hope. Those who celebrate Christmas face the challenges that shopping, holiday parties, and the buying of gifts bring. While I enjoy walking through a store filled with Christmas music and feeling the joy that comes with a good rendition of Jingle Bells, I find much of the seasonal hubbub to be stressful. I want to give and receive the “perfect” gifts and am often disappointed when I give something that doesn’t bring the expected joy from a loved one or fail to get the one thing that I desperately wanted to receive. In addition to all of the typical daily responsibilities, I don’t know where in my schedule to add decorating, baking, and buying and wrapping gifts. I just want to relax but there isn’t time in the day to do it all.
    Not only do the winter holidays add stress, Michigan is immersed in the grayness so common to our weather in the fall and winter. So how do we care for ourselves and others in the most effective way possible? It’s critical that we emphasize self-care during the fall and winter, not only for ourselves but for the clients for whom we care. My self-care list includes getting outside (hopefully with a new dog very soon!) even when the weather isn’t great, having a half hour to do something simply because I enjoy it each day, and spending time with one of my friends every week. What’s on your list? 
    Wishing those who celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza happy holidays and to all, a Happy New Year!



    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2023-2024

  • 10/09/2023 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    Greetings to all of my favorite playmates!
    How can it be October already? I’m never really ready for fall. Having grown up within walking distance to Lake Michigan and a smaller inland lake, summer was always my favorite season. While fall is beautiful, it has always made me feel a little sad to leave the freedom to just run outside in the warm weather of the summer months. 
    As the seasons change, I encourage each of you to consider becoming more active in MIAPT. There is a place for each and every one of us to serve. Not all of the positions require commitments of large amounts of time. We continue to try to build strong committees for membership, newsletter, and networking. Our conference committee is a busy group that can always use new members as well. Other committees may be needed in the future but we are working to build a strong base in these areas at present. Committee members are not elected positions but are volunteers who are willing to put in a few hours a year to help MIAPT stay vibrant and meet the needs of members.
    We are currently in need of members to join the networking committee by volunteering to become a regional networking chair. The networking chairs are only required to make a small commitment of time to arrange meetings for play therapists in their regional area to get together. Some regions meet quarterly and some more frequently. Some meet in person, some meet virtually, and some mix the two. These meetings allow play therapists to get to know other play therapists in the area. They allow those interested in play therapy to get a taste of the field. It allows attendees to consult with one another, share tips and tricks, and find support. 
    If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities to become more involved in MIAPT, please talk to me or one of the other board members. We would be glad to help you find your niche. I have never regretted becoming more active in the organization. I have built strong friendships, learned new skills, and enlarged my passion for play therapy. The more of us who get involved, the more play therapists can be raised up to fill the needs in our state. 
    Will you come talk to me about how you can get more involved? Please do! Email me at or call me at 616 204-5663. I would love to talk with you!
    Hugs or whatever lets those who are not huggers feel my appreciation and affection!



    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2023-2024

  • 08/07/2023 5:47 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings Playmates!

    It’s been a hot summer but the sunshine and warm weather delights me. I can’t believe it’s already August and my young clients are talking about going back to school in about three weeks. Where did the summer go? Many of my teen clients are bemoaning the fact that they will soon be back into the school grind and some of the younger ones can hardly wait. I was always like one of the younger ones, even through grad school. I feel left out now when all of the back-to-school sales pop up and I don’t get to buy new crayons to put in my desk!
    With school starting, we can plan to see a surge in new referrals as anxieties rise and problems pop up due to symptoms of ADHD in the classroom. It’s a tough transition for many of our clients which can put a burden on us as there are not enough therapists to go around. I hate having to tell prospective clients that my schedule is full and to send them away, referring them to others in the community whose schedules are also probably full. 
    MIAPT exists to raise up and provide training and networking opportunities for play therapists. WE are the key to developing the play therapy community in Michigan. As a board, we are open to any and all ideas of new ways to provide support to our members and to spread awareness of the need for additional play therapists to other professionals. I’m ready and willing to talk with anyone who has ideas to help meet the needs for and of play therapists around the state. I’m here to help YOU find your niche within the organization. Fall is coming and with it, elections for officers to help lead the organization. Should your name be on the ballot? I’d be honored to talk with you. My personal email is
    Enjoy the several weeks of warm sunshine that we have left for this year. Soon it will be fall and time for sweatshirts and hot cider. My dad always said that time passes more quickly as you get older. I’m beginning to understand what he meant. 
    Hugs to all (or other warm sentiments to those who are not huggers!)



    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2023-2024

  • 06/05/2023 4:26 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings Playmates!

    It looks like we are going to have spring and summer at last! Yes, my garden is in and I am watching little plants pop themselves through the soil. It amazes me that I can put little tiny seeds in the dirt, wait a couple of weeks, and see actual plants growing. Then in a few weeks, we will start harvesting vegetables and herbs that we can eat now and throughout the next year. 

    Have you registered for the APT conference in October? If you possibly can, I urge you to attend at least one APT conference during your career. It is a great experience. There is nothing like being in a room with 2500 other play therapists. You have the opportunity to rub shoulders with many of the authors and leaders in the field and learn from the best. In a week, you can earn up to 40 CEUs. It’s a big investment but it is worth it. If you can’t go this year, start saving now for a conference in the future. You won’t be sorry!

    We are working on developing more networking opportunities throughout the state. Like many of you, I am the only play therapist at my office and no one else there really understands what I do. Before I got involved in the networking group in the Grand Rapids area, I felt isolated a lot. It was a long time between conferences and workshops and I didn’t have enough regular contact with other play therapists. Watch your email and social media for information about what is going on in your area. If you don’t see anything, reach out to us at and we will help you get in touch with others near you.

    Have a great summer, everyone!



    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2022-2023

  • 04/25/2023 4:25 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings Playmates!

    It looks like we’re moving toward spring in the near future. With all of the wild weather around the world lately, I’ve been grateful to live in Michigan where our weather is fairly moderate. I’ve got some seeds started to get a jump start on the garden. I’m looking forward to warm weather and watching things grow from little seeds to food we can put on the table.
    Gardening is one of the things I do to take care of myself. It’s rewarding to see the tiny little plants poking their heads through the soil and watching them grow. It gets me outside in the sunshine and challenges my tendency toward perfectionism—because weeds are going to pop up no matter how hard I try to keep them away! As the season continues, we will get to harvest some delicious herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
    Being a part of MIAPT is another thing that brings me joy and keeps me moving forward. I’m passionate about play therapy and convinced that the play therapy community must grow so that we can better meet the mental health needs of the children (and adults) in our state. There is a place for each of us in this organization. We are continuing to plant the seeds of committees and other opportunities for people to get involved so that we can keep MIAPT going and growing. What would you like to do to help provide good play therapy training and networking to others in Michigan? There’s a place for you! 


    Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist
    President, MIAPT 2022-2023

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