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Michigan association for play therapy

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    • 02/27/2025
    • 8:30 AM
    • 02/28/2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • Hilton Garden Inn Lansing West, 633 N Canal Road, Lansing, MI 48917

    Michigan Association for Play Therapy is proud to announce:

    Keynote: Rebeca Chow, PhD, LCPC, LPC, RPT-S™

    DAY 1: Thursday, February 27, 2025 | 8:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Bridging Generations through Play: The Power of Play Therapy Across the Lifespan

    Stress creeps in to play therapists’ lives as we interact with clients, parents, and other clinicians.  How we respond to cues of safety and threat is directly connected to our nervous systems and this influences our capacities for connection and co-regulation. During play therapy sessions, the therapist's own regulation assists clients in finding ways to disengage from their dysregulated states through the therapeutic powers of play. During this session, participants will enhance their play therapy practices by examining treatment through a multi-lens approach, integrating neurobiology and concepts of differing generations with various play therapy techniques and resources to incorporate in in-person or online practice.

    LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

    1. Identify four generations active in the play therapy process.
    2. Identify three neurobiological processes specific to regulation and dysregulation during the play therapy session.
    3. Identify potential impacts play therapy interventions have on the central nervous system.
    4. Define the role of co-regulation in play therapy treatment planning. 
    5. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of integrating play therapy techniques throughout the lifespan, enabling participants to expand their therapeutic toolkits for use in diverse client populations.
    6. Identify six play therapy interventions to create regulation and safety.

    Falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills & Methods, Cultural and Social Diversity Topics"

    DAY 2: Friday, February 28, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

    The Power of Connection: Cultural Humility in the Playroom

    In today’s diverse and interconnected world, cultural humility is essential in order for mental health professionals to effectively connect with clients. Cultural humility goes beyond cultural competence by emphasizing self-reflection, openness, and the willingness to learn from clients’ lived experiences. This workshop will focus on understanding the role of cultural humility from a neurobiological theory perspective and choosing play therapy interventions that enhance connection and safety in the playroom.

    LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

    1. Identify at least two differences between cultural humility and cultural competence. 
    2. Explain the relationship between the three Autonomic Nervous System States and cultural humility
    3. Identify and reflect on situations in which play therapists could demonstrate cultural humility in play therapy. 
    4. Identify ways to incorporate cultural humility in play therapy treatment planning. 
    5. Identify at least 2 ethical considerations and cultural competence in bridging generations through play therapy.
    6. Identify six play therapy interventions that enhance cultural humility.

    Falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills & Methods, Cultural and Social Diversity Topics"


    Dr. Rebeca Chow is a licensed clinical professional counselor and supervisor in Missouri and Kansas, as well as a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™.  Dr. Chow received her Ph.D. degree in counselor education and supervision from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS;  and an M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO.   She currently serves as Director of Clinical Services, Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, KS, where she specializes in the professional areas of  diversity and inclusion, the  neurobiology of mental health, leadership, supervision, and generational social trends.  Her dedication to empowering individuals and promoting holistic mental well-being has reached the global stage, where she shares her insights at counseling and educational conferences. She currently serves as the Chair of the Association for Play Therapy Board of Directors. 


    As play therapists, our interactions with clients, parents, and other clinicians often involve navigating moments of regulation and dysregulation. The way we navigate these interactions is intricately linked to our nervous systems—a pivotal element shaping our daily lives, influencing our senses of safety, and impacting our abilities to connect with others. Exploring the unique ways play therapy functions as a therapeutic tool, fostering connection, resilience, and healing from childhood to adulthood, underscores the importance of integrating cultural humility and emphasizing inclusivity. Recognizing diverse perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment in play therapy not only deepens our understanding but also cultivates a space where individuals of all backgrounds feel seen, valued, and supported in their journeys toward well-being. This workshop equips play therapists with a diverse array of techniques and play therapy resources applicable to both in-person and online practices, empowering them to enhance their therapeutic approaches and create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive space.

    Early registration through February 1st.

    Full payment is due at the time of registration. If payment isn't received within seven (7) days of registration, your registration may be canceled.


    Hilton Garden Inn Lansing West

    633 N Canal Road

    Lansing, MI 48917

    Click here to book a hotel room(s).


    Thursday, February 27, 2025

    08:00 - 08:45 a.m. Registration

    08:45 - 10:15 a.m. Presentation

    10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Break and Exhibits

    10:30 - 12:00 p.m. Presentation

    12:00 – 12:30 p.m. - MIAPT Annual Business Meeting

    12:30 - 01:45 p.m. Lunch (ON YOUR OWN)

    01:45 - 03:15 p.m. Presentation

    03:15 - 03:30 p.m. Break and Exhibits

    03:30 - 05:00 p.m. Presentation


    Friday, February 28, 2025

    08:00 - 08:30 a.m. Registration

    08:30 - 10:00 a.m. Presentation

    10:00 - 10:15 a.m. Break and Exhibits

    10:15 - 11:45 a.m. Presentation

    11:45 - 01:00 p.m. Lunch (ON YOUR OWN)

    01:00 - 02:30 p.m. Presentation

    02:30 - 02:45 p.m. Break and Exhibits

    02:45 - 04:15 p.m. Presentation

    04:15 p.m. Conference concludes


    FOOD: Food is NOT provided at this conference

    *Continuing Education:

    CE Processing Fee: $30.  This fee is payable to The Institute for Continuing Education

    at the time you submit a completed CE Packet. DO NOT include this fee with your



    One Day: $120

    Both Days: $210


    One Day: $160

    Both Days: $260


    One Day: $60

    Both Days: $105

    *Continuing Education: A single fee of $30 is applicable to all workshops you attend if you meet CE requirements.

    **Student: A participant registering as “student” must be a full-time student at a college or university and provide at registration, a written letter from their University verifying the status.

    ***An early bird registration discount of $25 has been applied to prices listed above. $25 will be added to registration costs after 2/1/25.

    BROCHURE: Click here for the brochure.

    HANDOUTS: Our policy is to email all handouts. Please include a valid email address with your registration to receive the handouts.

    HOTEL INFORMATION: Hilton Garden Inn Lansing West, 633 N Canal Road, Lansing, MI 48917. There is a block of discounted rooms available on a first come first serve basis. 

    EXHIBITS: Books and therapeutic materials will be on display and available for sale at the event.

    CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you notify MIAPT you are canceling prior to 2/1/2025, and we are able to fill your spot, you will receive a refund for the registration fee minus $25 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations following 2/1/2025 or related to weather. Special consideration will be given for medical reasons (with documentation) for cancellations less the $25 administrative fee. If registration payment isn’t received at the time of registration, your registration will be canceled.

    PHOTO RELEASE: By registering for this conference, you are giving permission for MIAPT to use any photographs that are taken at the event containing your likeness for as long as MIAPT deems appropriate and desirable. Photographs may be used on the MIAPT website, social media pages, and/or newsletter for any purpose. By completing the registration, you are also consenting to waive any rights to the photographs indefinitely.

    If you do not wish to have your photo used, it is your responsibility to notify at registration of your request to be omitted.

    HEALTH AND SAFETY: Covid 19 Statement: Our goal is to offer a safe, healthy event to our in-person participants. We expect our participants (including vendors, speakers, and attendees) to make a good faith effort to avoid spreading Covid-19 through a combination of vaccination, negative rapid testing and self-screening for symptoms prior to travel, and to adhere to any public health policies that may be in place at the time of the event.  By registering and attending this event you are accepting responsibility to manage your own risk and absolve MIAPT event planners of responsibility for your health-related decisions.

    By participating in person, you agree to follow the meeting’s health and safety policies as mandated by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the federal, state, local government, and venue requirements.

    ACCEPTANCE: By registering for and attending MIAPT events, I hereby agree that I accept the terms stated above and indemnify and hold harmless MIAPT, its affiliates, and their respective directors, employees, and agents (including , without limitation, any agent acting on its behalf) from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from attendance at MIAPT events.

    Michigan Association for Play Therapy: MIAPT is a professional organization striving to advance the theory and practice of play therapy through activities such as conferences, seminars, and networking in order to serve the mental health needs of Michigan children, families, schools and communities. For more information on the Conference visit our website at

    ADA/Section 504: If you have special needs, please contact

    CONTINUING EDUCATION: This program is co-sponsored by the Michigan Association for Play Therapy and The Institute for Continuing Education. The Conference offers a total of 12.00 contact hours (6.00 hrs. per day). Continuing education is awarded on a daily basis with full attendance required for the days attended.  Partial daily CE credit is not offered. 


    The continuing education processing fee is $30.00 per person, to be paid when completed CE materials are submitted to The Institute for Continuing Education for processing. CE verification is mailed to Conference attendees following the Conference. CE materials will be made available to Conference participants by the MI APT. If you have questions regarding continuing education, the program, faculty, learning objectives, or other issues, contact The Institute at: 800-557-1950 / email:

    NOTE: To receive continuing education credit, applicants must complete all CE materials, sign in/out at designated locations, and submit an evaluation form for the events attended. 

    NOTE: It is the responsibility of the attendee to determine if CE credit offered by The Institute for Continuing Education meets the regulations of their state licensing/certification board. 

    Psychology:  The Institute for Continuing Education is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  The Institute for Continuing Education maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

    Counseling/ MFT: The Institute for Continuing Education and the Michigan Association for Play Therapy are co-sponsors of this event. This co-sponsorship has been approved by NBCC. The Institute for Continuing Education is an NBCC approved continuing education provider, ACEP 5643. The Institute for Continuing Education is solely responsible for this program, including the awarding of NBCC credit.

    Social Work: This program has been approved for 12.00 social work continuing education hours for re-licensure, in accordance with 258, CMR, NASW-MA Chapter CE Approving Program. Authorizations: D-92898-1 / D-92898-2.

    Ohio Board Counseling/ Social Work:   The Institute for Continuing Education is recognized as a provider of continuing education by the Ohio Board Counseling/ Social Work. Provider RCS 030001.

    Indiana Board Social Work/ Counseling, MFT.  The Institute for Continuing Education is recognized as a provider of continuing education by the Indiana Board Counseling, Social Work, MFT. Provider 98000996-A, expiration 04/01/2026.

    Michigan Social Workers:  Regulations for MI Social Workers indicate that approved CE events include programs granted approval by  (1)  a state chapter of NASW;  (2) approved by another state board of social work. 

    Play Therapy: The Institute for Continuing Education is approved by The Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy. The Institute for Continuing Education maintains responsibility for the program. APT Provider 98-040.

    Non-Credit Events: Registration, lunch break, reception events, committee/business meetings, networking sessions.

    Ethics Hours / Academic Credit: This program offers no “ethics hours.” This program is not “academic” credit and CE hours awarded are not eligible toward fulfillment of a degree.   

    Skills Level:  Intermediate. Attendees are urged to review the session descriptions to determine appropriateness for professional and personal needs.

    Instructional Methodology: May include lecture, demonstration, audio/visual, case examples, experiential practice of techniques, large and small group discussion


    • 03/21/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Virtual

    Using Canva to Engage Children and Adolescents in Play Therapy

    Presented by  Brooklyn Hancock LMHC, Registered Play Therapist™

    Canva is a digital creation platform that allows you to create, express, and let your imagination run wild! It provides the opportunity to create your own flyers, cards, images, worksheets, brochures, games, and more. These items are commonly used as mediums in directive play therapies such as Group Play Therapy, Adlerian Play Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy in order to target specific goals. In this training, you will gain a basic understanding of what Canva is used for, the tips and tricks for use, and ways to incorporate its use in your play therapy sessions. If you are technologically challenged, there is no need to fear! I will provide step by step instructions for using Canva seamlessly and you will have time to practice with live support! You will be provided with the opportunity to practice using basic play therapy skills throughout the creation of your resources with your clients as well as how to process what you have created together.

    You will learn different ways to allow your clients to express themselves creatively through Canva both as their own self care outside of session and collaboratively with you as the therapist. Using this modality allows you to truly tailor your play therapy interventions to the needs and interests of your clients. This also allows your client’s to use metaphor and images as their “words” that may not be present in your playroom with physical toys.

    LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

    1. utilize at least 3 different templates in play therapy.
    2. identify at least 5 ways to use Canva in play therapy.
    3. create 1 resource in Canva to use as a play therapy intervention.
    4. demonstrate effective basic use of Canva in collaboration with basic play therapy skills.

      Session limited to 50 participants.

      This training is approved by APT Approved Provider 99-050 for 3 Live Webinar CE  hours.  

      This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar."

      Intermediate Level | Seminal/Historically Significant Theories, Play Therapy Special Topics

      Please note that CEs are only for APT hours. 

      ABOUT OUR PRESENTER: Brooklyn Hancock, LMHC, Registered Play Therapist™ is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Florida with 7 years of experience. She graduated from the University of Florida with her bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Family, Youth, and Community Science. She continued her education at the University of Central Florida where she earned her Masters Degree in Counselor Education: Mental Health Track. She is a Registered Play Therapist™ and is AutPlay Certified and EMDR Certified. Primarily, she has worked in the school system and has subsequently become certified as a school counselor as well. Being in the schools, she has had a wide variety of experience with various issues and populations. Her strengths are working with parents and adults on parenting strategies, relationship building, communication, anxiety, depression, trauma, attachment related concerns, and self-esteem/self-worth. With children, she specializes in anxiety, social anxiety, ASD, ADHD, and communication issues within the family. She truly has a heart for teaching and advocating for play therapy and has future goals of obtaining her RPT-S™ and becoming an APT provider so that she can bring more people into the world of play!

      VIRTUAL: This will be a virtual workshop. Participants will be awarded APT LIVE WEBINAR CE after successful completion of a post test. This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar." Participants must be present and visible throughout the presentation. 

      MIAPT is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to Play Therapy. APT Approved Provider 99-050. MIAPT maintains responsibility for the program.

      PHOTO RELEASE: By registering for this training, you are giving permission for MIAPT to use any photographs (screenshots) that are taken at the event containing your likeness for as long as MIAPT deems appropriate and desirable. Photographs may be used on the MIAPT website, social media pages, and/or newsletter for any purpose. By completing the registration, you are also consenting to waive any rights to the photographs indefinitely. If you do not wish to have your photo used, it is your responsibility to notify MIAPT of your request to be omitted.

      CANCELLATION POLICY: If you notify MIAPT you are canceling, and we are able to fill your spot, you will receive a refund for the registration fee minus $20 administrative fee. Cancellation requests must be made in writing. No refunds after March 6, 2025.

      EMAIL LIST: By registering for this training, you are giving MIAPT permission to add your email to our email list.

      ADA/Section 504: If you have special needs, please contact

      • 04/04/2025
      • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Virtual

      Child-Centered Play Therapy: Theory and Practice

      Presented by Julie Nash, PhD, RPT-S™

      Child-centered play therapy is a modality that utilizes the child’s natural language of play and the therapeutic relationship to help a child overcome psychosocial, behavioral, relational, and emotional challenges. This training will help play therapists understand the theory and principles behind child-centered play therapy as well as the categories of play therapist responses and the ACT model of limit setting during sessions. Participants will be introduced to the materials that are recommended for a well-equipped play therapy room based on child-centered play therapy theory, and how to implement the model.

      LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

      1. Identify the eight core principles of child-centered play therapy outlined by Virginia Axline
      2. Identify and demonstrate the nine categories of responses primarily utilized in child-centered play therapy
      3. Describe the recommended playroom materials in a child-centered play therapy session

        Session limited to 50 participants.

        This training is approved by APT Approved Provider 99-050 for 3 Live Webinar CE  hours.  

        This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar."

        Foundational Level | Seminal/Historically Significant Theories

        Please note that CEs are only for APT hours. 

        ABOUT OUR PRESENTER: Julie Nash, PhD, Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™ is a licensed clinical psychologist and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor™. Dr. Nash is the author of multiple book chapters on the development of social skills and using play therapy to treat social skills deficits, as well as introductions to play therapy and working with preschool children. Dr. Nash recently published Nature-based Play Therapy: A Prescriptive Approach to Integrating the Therapeutic Powers of Nature and Play. She has presented at national and international conferences on play therapy and is the former president of the New England Association for Play Therapy. Dr. Nash is the owner of Riverside Psychological Associates, LLC in Connecticut where she provides individual and family therapy sessions for people across the age range, play therapy consultation, and continuing education trainings in play therapy and supervision. She is actively involved with the Association for Play Therapy and is on the Board of Directors.

        VIRTUAL: This will be a virtual workshop. Participants will be awarded APT LIVE WEBINAR CE after successful completion of a post test. This workshop meets APT's definition of "Live Webinar." Participants must be present and visible throughout the presentation. 

        MIAPT is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to Play Therapy. APT Approved Provider 99-050. MIAPT maintains responsibility for the program.

        PHOTO RELEASE: By registering for this training, you are giving permission for MIAPT to use any photographs (screenshots) that are taken at the event containing your likeness for as long as MIAPT deems appropriate and desirable. Photographs may be used on the MIAPT website, social media pages, and/or newsletter for any purpose. By completing the registration, you are also consenting to waive any rights to the photographs indefinitely. If you do not wish to have your photo used, it is your responsibility to notify MIAPT of your request to be omitted.

        CANCELLATION POLICY: If you notify MIAPT you are canceling, and we are able to fill your spot, you will receive a refund for the registration fee minus $20 administrative fee. Cancellation requests must be made in writing. No refunds after March 14, 2025.

        EMAIL LIST: By registering for this training, you are giving MIAPT permission to add your email to our email list.

        ADA/Section 504: If you have special needs, please contact

        • 05/09/2025
        • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
        • Washtenaw Intermediate School District, 1819 S Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106

        East Regional Workshop 2025

        Eating Disorders and Play Therapy:  A Multidisciplinary Team Approach

        Presenters: Dr. Kristine Gibson, Trina Weber, RDN, CEDS, and Lindsay South, LPC,  Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

        Eating disorders among children and adolescents have been on the rise since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Play therapists often find themselves in the unique position of providing services to children who may be struggling with disordered eating, body image concerns, as well as a clinical eating disorder.  Specific training for play therapists working with this population is slim to none.  Children with eating disorders may show up unexpectedly in your current caseload.  Are you able to identify them? Do you understand how your play therapy skills can be used to treat these children and their families? Are you able network with a team of allied health professionals trained to address the needs of this population?

        Dr. Kristine Gibson is an associate professor of pediatrics at Western Michigan University Stryker School of Medicine. She will open the workshop with an overview of the DSM-V(TR) diagnostic categories of feeding and eating disorders and their associated medical needs.  Dr. Gibson runs the Adolescent Eating Disorder Clinic at WMED. She will provide information about how her patients typically present and how they are managed after diagnosis.  Dr. Gibson will assist participants in thinking about how to select and work with a medical provider in their home community.

        Trina Weber, RDN, CEDS, is a nutritionist and certified eating disorder specialist. She will follow Dr. Gibson’s presentation. Ms. Weber will focus on the dietitian’s role within the treatment team as she assesses patients for adequate nutritional intake and develops food plans for weight restoration and maintenance. She will discuss how her work dovetails with the role of the play therapist; Ms. Weber’s job is filled with negotiation, reality checking and helping her young clients and their families face directly their fears around eating.  She will present participants with several strategies that they may use with children and their families. 

        Lindsay South, LPC, RPT-S will review how the skills of a play therapist are integral to working with this population.  She will provide concrete examples of the use of art, play and sand tray therapy as an integral part of the healing process.  Lindsay will lead participants in experiential play therapy interventions that can be used with children and teens struggling with an eating disorder.  Play therapists attending this workshop will then apply their new understanding of the roles that each discipline brings.  They may begin to develop a rudimentary framework for establishing a multidisciplinary team in their home community.

        LEARNING OBJECTIVES: As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to: 

        1. Distinguish between the five types of eating disorders most commonly seen in an outpatient play therapy setting .
        2. Understand the role a play therapist may play on a multidisciplinary team treating children and adolescents with eating disorders.
        3. Facilitate play therapy interventions designed to externalize the eating disorder.
        4. Practice play therapy interventions targeted for children struggling with food avoidance and restriction.
        5. Explore ways in which to address body image issues in therapy.
        6. Discuss play therapy techniques to use at the end of treatment.

        BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Dr. Kristine Gibson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, at Western Michigan University Stryker School of Medicine.  She provides specialty care for adolescents with eating disorders at WMed as well as inpatient consultations at Bronson Children's Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI.  Academic interests and current research are focused on the care of patients with eating disorders in the community setting, interprofessional education and practice, DEI/Belonging, psychological safety, resident and student as teacher curriculum, and professional identity formation.  Dr. Gibson is past president and current member of the Southwest Michigan Eating Disorders Association and is an active member of the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics.

        Trina Weber is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who counsels all ages and genders about overall wellness, sports nutrition, stomach/intestinal issues, and eating disorders. She is a certified eating disorder treatment specialist through the International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals (Iaedp). Since 2003, she has been in a private practice or university setting where she sees people one- on-one, presents to various groups, and leads meal and support groups for eating disorder recovery.  The purpose of Trina's practice is intuitive or mindful eating, using a Health At Every Size (HAES)® approach, where we eat when truly physically hungry and stop when comfortably full. We eat a wide variety of all foods in moderation without labeling them as “good,” “bad,” “healthy,” or “junk.” We identify, trust, and honor what our body is telling us it needs in order to achieve optimal body function.  Trina will meet clients wherever they are on their eating journey and individualize treatment by listening to what the client needs. Based on the client's long-term hopes for food, she will work together with them to plan short-term, measurable, manageable goals to meet those hopes and ultimately have peace with food.

        Lindsay South, LPC, RPT-S™ has been in practice since 1988.  In her 36 years of work as a therapist Lindsay developed an interest in eating disorders which she has treated in both inpatient, college campus and private practice settings.  After completing seven years of sand tray training and becoming a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor, Lindsay began to integrate art, sand and play therapy in treatment of her eating disordered child and adolescent patients and their families.   Lindsay is a founding member of the Southwest Michigan Eating Disorder Association (SMEDA). Dr. Gibson and Lindsay have presented together on the integration of play therapy and eating disorders at the annual Canadian Association for Child Play Therapy in 2013.  Lindsay currently owns a private practice in Portage, MI devoted to play and individual therapy for elementary aged children, tweens, teens and adults.  She helps facilitate the Southwest regional networking group for MIAPT and enjoys supervision. 

        Skill Level:  Intermediate

        Play Therapy Primary Areas of Instruction: Play Therapy Special Topics

        Seating is limited so register early!

        6 APT Contact CE: Please note that CEs are only for APT hours.

        Payment must be made online at the time of registration to guarantee your seat.

        Workshop Schedule

        Registration: 8:30-9:00 a.m.

        Workshop Session: 9:00-10:30 a.m.

        Break: 10:30-10:45 a.m.

        Workshop Session: 10:45-12:15 p.m.

        Lunch (on your own): 12:15-1:15 p.m.

        Workshop Session: 1:15-2:45 p.m.

        Break: 2:45-3:00 p.m.

        Workshop Session: 3:00-4:30 p.m.

        End of the Workshop: 4:30 p.m.

        FOOD: Food and snacks are NOT provided at this workshop. You may bring your own food or go to a local restaurant during break.

        CANCELLATION POLICY:  All cancellations must be requested in writing and received no later than April 15, 2025. Cancellations are subject to $25 processing fee. Substitutions may be made in writing for no additional cost. No refunds are given due to inclement weather.   

        HANDOUTS: In an effort to reduce paper waste and be more “green,” our policy is to email all handouts. Please include a valid email address with your registration to receive the handouts.

        PHOTO RELEASE:  By registering for this workshop, you are giving permission for MIAPT to use any photographs that are taken at the event containing your likeness for as long as MIAPT deems appropriate and desirable. Photographs may be used on the MIAPT website, social media pages, and/or newsletter for any purpose. By completing the registration, you are also consenting to waive any rights to the photographs indefinitely. If you do not wish to have your photo used, it is your responsibility to notify someone at registration of your request to be omitted.

        CONTINUING EDUCATION: This workshop for mental health professionals is sponsored by the Michigan Association for Play Therapy. APT Approved Provider 99-050. CE credit is offered for play therapy. The program offers 6.00 contact hours, with full attendance required.

        ADA: If you have special needs, please contact Sabrina Slagter at

      Past events

      01/24/2025 Reclaiming Black Childhood: Engaging Adultified Black Youth in Play Therapy
      12/06/2024 Cultivating Children’s Character in the School Setting Through Play Therapy
      11/08/2024 West Regional Workshop 2024
      09/20/2024 Pawsitive Solutions: ADHD and Play Therapy
      05/17/2024 The Marriage of CBT and Play Therapy-Merging CBT and Play Therapy in the Therapy Space
      02/29/2024 Annual State Conference 2024
      02/29/2024 Exhibitor Opportunities - Annual State Conference 2024
      01/26/2024 The History of Play Therapy
      11/10/2023 West Regional Workshop 2023
      09/15/2023 Grief and Attachment through a Gestalt Play Therapy Lens
      05/12/2023 Partnering with Parents in the Play Therapy Process with the Brain in Mind
      02/24/2023 Annual State Conference 2023
      12/02/2022 Using Pop Culture, LEGO, and Video Games in Play Therapy
      08/26/2022 History and Theory of Play Therapy
      06/03/2022 Bringing Nature into Play Therapy Supervision: Revitalize Your Self, Play, and Practice!
      05/06/2022 West Regional Workshop 2022
      04/22/2022 The Culture of Technology in Play Therapy
      03/25/2022 The Importance of Getting the Whole Picture in Play Therapy
      01/28/2022 Play Therapy with the Sexually Acting Out Child
      12/03/2021 Adlerian Play Therapy through a Neurobiology Lens
      11/12/2021 Co-Regulation in Play Therapy: Harnessing the Power of Relational Neuroscience to Improve Your Practice
      10/22/2021 Play Therapy Supervision Training
      09/17/2021 Paws in the Playroom: Animal Assisted Play Therapy
      08/20/2021 Nuts and Bolts of Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy
      06/25/2021 Addressing Grief and Loss in the Play Room
      05/14/2021 Play Therapy with Adoptive Families
      04/30/2021 Why You Playin’- Using Play to Empower and Build Self Esteem with Girls
      03/19/2021 History and Theory of Play Therapy
      02/20/2021 Playful Supervision: Play Therapy Supervision
      02/20/2021 Use of Play Therapy and Creative Therapies to Help with Anxiety
      02/19/2021 Using Polyvagal Theory in Play Therapy
      02/19/2021 Play Therapy & Traumatized Children: Finding the Eye in the Hurricane
      02/18/2021 Play Therapy with the Sexually Acting Out Child
      02/18/2021 Anxiety, Pinterest, and Play Therapy
      11/09/2018 West Regional Workshop
      05/18/2018 East Regional Workshop: Top 12 Creative Play Therapy Interventions for Teens & Tweens
      02/16/2018 22nd Annual MIAPT Play Therapy Conference

      2020 Raybrook Avenue, S.E., Suite 305 | Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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