Greetings to all of my favorite playmates!
How can it be October already? I’m never really ready for fall. Having grown up within walking distance to Lake Michigan and a smaller inland lake, summer was always my favorite season. While fall is beautiful, it has always made me feel a little sad to leave the freedom to just run outside in the warm weather of the summer months.
As the seasons change, I encourage each of you to consider becoming more active in MIAPT. There is a place for each and every one of us to serve. Not all of the positions require commitments of large amounts of time. We continue to try to build strong committees for membership, newsletter, and networking. Our conference committee is a busy group that can always use new members as well. Other committees may be needed in the future but we are working to build a strong base in these areas at present. Committee members are not elected positions but are volunteers who are willing to put in a few hours a year to help MIAPT stay vibrant and meet the needs of members.
We are currently in need of members to join the networking committee by volunteering to become a regional networking chair. The networking chairs are only required to make a small commitment of time to arrange meetings for play therapists in their regional area to get together. Some regions meet quarterly and some more frequently. Some meet in person, some meet virtually, and some mix the two. These meetings allow play therapists to get to know other play therapists in the area. They allow those interested in play therapy to get a taste of the field. It allows attendees to consult with one another, share tips and tricks, and find support.
If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities to become more involved in MIAPT, please talk to me or one of the other board members. We would be glad to help you find your niche. I have never regretted becoming more active in the organization. I have built strong friendships, learned new skills, and enlarged my passion for play therapy. The more of us who get involved, the more play therapists can be raised up to fill the needs in our state.
Will you come talk to me about how you can get more involved? Please do! Email me at or call me at 616 204-5663. I would love to talk with you!
Hugs or whatever lets those who are not huggers feel my appreciation and affection!
Diana Steketee, LLP, Registered Play Therapist™
President, MIAPT 2023-2024